Treating Cradle Cap With Colief Baby Scalp Oil | Our Experience

Blog post in collaboration with Dolly Dowsie
Since he was a newborn, cradle cap has been something which Beau has suffered with on a reoccurring basis. I had never experienced cradle cap with Tyler, in fact, I didn’t even know what it looked like, so when dry, scaly skin began appearing on Beau’s scalp and eyebrows, I simply put it down to being dry skin and nothing else.
I began moisturising his scalp and face, hoping that these horrible looking scales would clear up on their own and thankfully this worked for his eyebrows, however, the cradle cap on his scalp – which I only discovered was cradle cap from the wise words of my mother – would not shift.
I tried everything to get rid of it, from dowsing his head with virgin olive oil to trying to flick bits off with a baby comb whilst he was in the bath, but even if it did clear up for awhile, the cradle cap kept coming back, it was so persistent. I knew that the cradle cap wasn’t causing him any pain or harm, but it was so unsightly and I just wanted his skin to be moisturised and baby soft – just like it should be.
In time Beau lost his hair – all part and parcel of the new baby process, and the cradle cap was very noticeable at this stage, so I had to find a solution and fast. This is how I came to use almost every product and trick there is to remove cradle cap and thankfully some things worked… but only for short amounts of time, the cradle cap kept coming back. I needed a permanent solution to this problem, especially now that Beau had grown a head of luscious red, curly locks.
This is how I came to discover Colief Baby Scalp Oil and this is now something I use as part of Beau’s bathtime routine. This scalp oil is a naturally derived product which moisturises and soothes skin and the scalp, helping to clear up dry skin and cradle cap.
The Colief Baby Scalp Oil contains rosehip oil, chamomile and vitamin E, all of which are perfect ingredients for helping to nourish skin and keep it healthy. It can be used on babies from two months onwards and is widely available in the UK and Ireland. I only wish I had begun using it sooner with Beau.
Now that his hair is longer, flakes of cradle cap were visible on his hair after they had peeled off. This was so unsightly and I hated that my little baby kept on having this problem. Since I’ve begun massaging the Colief Baby Scalp Oil into his scalp before his bath, his cradle cap has cleared up completely and there are no more horrible looking flakes of dry skin on his beautiful hair.
If your baby is suffering from reoccurring cradle cap, just like my Beau did, I would highly recommend trying Colief Baby Scalp Oil to treat the problem. It’s such an easy thing to work into a bathtime routine, and as it only needs to be massaged into baby’s scalp for it to work, it’s a fuss-free treatment that doesn’t upset baby and at just €7.99, it’s cheaper than other treatments I tried too.
Colief Baby Scalp Oil has worked perfectly for Beau and it’s a product which I will continue to use on his scalp. As I said, it’s a very easy treatment to use and work in to a bathtime routine. His scalp is now clear and cradle cap free and I’m delighted that I’ve found something which has worked for him and which is full of naturally derived ingredients too.
I thought I’d share some top times on dealing with cradle cap from former Health Visitor and and member of the Colief Expert Panel, Dawn Kelly, for any other parents out there whose babies are suffering from cradle cap.
Colief Baby Scalp Oil can also be used on other areas of your baby’s body to soothe dry skin. Nourishing ingredients found in the oil such as rosehip, chamomile and vitamin E help to hydrate the skin and act as natural anti-inflammatories and antioxidants.