Soothing Your Stomach
Lactose intolerance is a common condition although symptoms can vary between individuals and can be affected according to tolerance levels and gut bacteria. Some of the most common symptoms include diarrhoea, bloating, flatulence, stomach pain and constipation.
It’s vital to highlight that if you are experiencing these symptoms it’s recommended to seek a professional diagnosis from your GP. In some cases, gastrointestinal symptoms can be an indication of a more serious condition and therefore it’s important to rule out anything else and obtain a professional diagnosis for lactose intolerance.
Following this you may find that whilst you’re testing your lactose tolerance level you experience symptoms. Therefore, outlined below are a few tips you can try to help soothe your stomach. As everyone is unique these tips are not guaranteed to remove symptoms altogether, although they may help to relieve the severity of your symptoms.
You may wish to keep a ‘gut diary’ where by you record symptoms alongside food you’ve consumed that day. You can then take this to your GP as this may assist in your diagnosis.
Rest and de-stress
Stress is something which so many people cannot escape in the modern world. Knowing that you’ve consumed something which may stimulate gut symptoms can often be a trigger for stress. In turn, stress can slow down digestion (due to the relationship between the gut and the brain, referred to as the gut-brain axis). As a result, this may further affect symptoms. It’s best to try and de-stress in times where you’re experiencing a flare up. Learn to say no, sit down with a cup of tea or relax in the bath to try and calm your mind.
Enjoy a herbal tea
The research for drinking herbal tea to soothe your stomach is limited although the act of drinking tea is calming and stress-relieving which can be beneficial in helping to soothe symptoms. There are some suggestions that peppermint tea may help with stomach cramps, fennel tea may help with gastrointestinal spasms and flatulence, and ginger may help to relieve nausea and vomiting. Whilst these effects are not guaranteed they may prove helpful in soothing your symptoms.
Epsom salt bath
Epsom salts contain magnesium which is absorbed through the skin. Magnesium plays a role in muscle and nerve relaxation and therefore may help to relax the gut which might be presenting symptoms such as cramping. Be aware that Epsom salts can cause you to feel sleepy and therefore ensure if you’re enjoying an Epsom salt bath that you could relax afterwards. I.e. this isn’t recommended before driving or any other exercise which requires focus.
Avoid chewing gum
Chewing gum can increase the amount of gas in your gut due to the action of chewing which can cause you to swallow excess air. As a result, this may contribute to flatulence and is not recommended whilst you’re experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms as a result of lactose intolerance.
Stay hydrated
This is essential if you’re experiencing diarrhoea. Diarrhoea contributes to dehydration and as a result it’s vital that you supply your body with enough fluid to stay hydrated.
These are just a few tips which may help you to deal with your symptoms. The lactase in Milkaid helps to breakdown lactose which may be causing your gastrointestinal symptoms. Taking Milkaid before consuming foods containing Lactase can help to reduce symptoms. Remember that as everyone is unique it’s worth experimenting with the above to find solutions which work for you.